Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Start a Company When You Could...

There's a lot of opportunity out there and I've been hearing some interesting insights from several entrepreneurs recently who've been very much against the idea of someone starting their own company. The argument is that there is so much risk in a pre-revenue venture (after all, creating something from nothing is the hardest part). So then, they ask, why wouldn't you:
  1. Join a revenue generating start-up? A huge part of the risk has been taken away and the question isn't as much 'whether this will ever work ' but how we can now tweak the business to grow revenues. You won't get anywhere near the same amount of stock but a lot of people have made good money this way (and built their networks through venture backed companies).
  2. Buy an existing business that's stagnant. Again, the hard part has been done. There are businesses out there that are profitable but stagnant making between $100k-5mm a year. So rather than trying to start a business why not raise some private money and flip the company around?
The moral is that there are a lot of undervalued assets out there that can use an individual's talents just as well as any bright new business idea.

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